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Course Selection

Listed here are the Required courses and Eelctives students may enroll in.
Every student is enrolled in 6 courses per Academic Year.

Academic Course Load:
3 Required Coruses
2 Electives

Please select your courses below by clicking the appropriate circle.

Student Name:

Student Email:

REQUIRED COURSES ( 3 Selections per Academic Year )

Ja'kirate All Students are enrolled in Ja'kirate.
Course Instructor(s):

Xytolmic Science Requirement 1
Requirement 2
Requirement 3
Course Instructor: Professor Knyte

This course covers the in-depth study of ja’kira in all it's various forms. The students will also learn the chronology of it's discovery and conduct controlled experiments on how to safely harness and manipulate it.

Solarology Requirement 1
Requirement 2
Requirement 3
Course Instructor: Professor Burkin

This course covers both scientific facts and plausible theories regarding the formation of the universes' countless planets, stars and other spacial anomalies. It also examines how these individual elements work together to keep the universe functioning properly.

World Chronology Requirement 1
Requirement 2
Requirement 3
Course Instructor: Professor Mota

This course covers the unbiased chronological events of the planet Earth and it's positive/negative effects on it's inhabitants and their environment.

Health and Fitness Requirement 1
Requirement 2
Requirement 3
Course Instructor: Professor Barka

This course covers the basic knowledge of the human body and how it's various symbiotic biological systems work together. It also covers how proper nutrition and exercise techniques help to maintain a healthy mind and body.

Wordology Requirement 1
Requirement 2
Requirement 3
Course Instructor: Professor Fatou

This course covers the orgins of the world's most popular words and commonly used phrases, their true meanings and how they are used and misused in popular culture.

Humae' Requirement 1
Requirement 2
Requirement 3
Course Instructor: Professor Matara

This course covers the geopolitical events that lead up to the creation of the modern ethnic-inclusive langauge; Humae'.

ELECTIVE COURSES ( 2 Selections per Academic Year )

Home Economics Elective 1
Elective 2
Course Instructor: Professor Carlyn

This course covers the necessary information and imparts the technical skills needed to safely navigate around the dangers of and efficiently operate the typical home environment.

Music Appreciation Elective 1
Elective 2
Course Instructor: Professor Titus

This course covers the origins, societal influences, and the basic structure of the planet’s most popular music.

Art As A Second Language Elective 1
Elective 2
Course Instructor: Professor Janni

This course explores the theory that all handcrafted artwork (cartooning, illustration, painting, sculpture, etc.) is in fact, an actual language; rather than the previously believed just self-indulgent visual imagery.

Everyday Science Elective 1
Elective 2
Course Instructor: Professor Moroq

This course covers little known facts and simple experiments that can be performed in the typical home environment to make day to day life easier and safer.

Cooking Basics: Elective 1
Elective 2
Course Instructor: Professor Neeba

This course covers the origins behind some of the planet's most well-known foods and how to prepare them in the typical home environment.
Additional course information: Professor Neeba will be accompanied by several guest cooks to help him demonstrate the preparation of some of the course's scheduled cuisines.


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Jappa Publications

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